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 Forming Equipments

MFRL own few forming equipments use to perform various forming processes mainly to produce formed parts for further analysis or to test their performance.

1) 100 Tonner Mechanical Press Machine - C Type

100 tonne

2) 15 Tonne Hydraulic Press Brake (Manual)

bress brake


3) Hydraulic Machine (Semi-Auto)

hydraulic press small 


Forming and Material Testing (Available)

For further analysis, there are few test rig available in the MFRL including V-bending rig to study the springback pattern, twist forming for measurement of twist springback, pin-on hole bearing test, torque out test and cupping test. We are in the process of developing few other test rig including dome test for formability study.

v bending test

 Twist springback test

Pin on hole test

 Torque out test

Cupping test


Measurement/Testing Facilities (Shared Facilities)

 There are also shared measurement/testing facilties at the School of Mechanical Engineering. 


