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Grant record page 0001




Title: Tribological Performance of Aluminum based Additive Manufacturing

Research Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah

Members: Prof. R. Rajendran (SRM Institue of Science and Technology, India), Dr. Ramdziah (USM) and Dr. Shahir Yasin (UTM)

Duration: 2 Years (1 December 2021 to 30 November 2023)

Sponsor: Short Terms - Matching Grant (USM)


Title: Prototype Development of Hybrid Machine for Precision Hole Making on Composite Panel

Research Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah

Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Zamad – USM, Professor Mohd Sapuan Salit – UPM and Dr. Muhammad Hafiz Hasan – USM

Duration: 3 Years (1 December 2019 to 31 August 2022)

Sponsor: PRGS (MOHE)


Title: Formability Analysis of Tailor Welded Blank of Steel and Aluminum Alloys

Research Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah

Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Samad (USM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Farazila Yusof (UM) and Mr. Mohd Fadzil Jamaluddin (UM)

Duration: 3 Years (1 Feb 2018 to 30 August 2021)

Sponsor: RUI (USM)


Title Development of Computer Aided Die Design Support System for Cold Forging Process
Research Leader Mr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Samad
Duration 24 Months (31 August 2006 – 1 July 2008)
Sponsor USM-ST

Title Numerical Investigation of Geometrical Defect in the Cold Forging of Propeller Blade
Research Leader Mr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Samad
Duration 2 Years (1 Jun 2012 to 31 May 2014)
Sponsor USM-ST


Title Precision Punching of Composite Panel
Research Leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Samad
Dr. Aslina Anjang
Duration 2 Years (1 Mac 2015 to 31 August 2017)
Sponsor USM- RUI

Title Bearing Strength and Progressive Failure Analysis of Punched Hole Under Tensile Loading
Research Leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Student Mohd Safie Abdullah
Duration 1 Years (25 Jan 2018 to 24 Jul 2019)
Sponsor USM- Bridging Grant

Title Isolated Cubical Project
Research Leader Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Members Dr. Normala binti Abdul Wahid (Pusat Sejahteran USM)
Wan Mohd Amri bin Wan Mamat Ali
Muhamad Azman bin Miskam
Duration 6 months (18 April 2020 to 31 October 2020)
Sponsor USM Covid-19 Grant

Title Development of Integrated CAD/CAM for Cold Forging Die Design Process
Research Leader Mr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Zamad - USM
Ir. Shuib Sahudin - USM
Dr. Abdul Rahim Othman - USM
Duration 2 Years (1 Dec 2006 to 31 Nov 2008)
Sponsor MOSTI - ScienceFund

Title Flexible and precision magneto-rheological actuated punching workstation for aircraft composite panel.
Research Leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Samad
Member Dr. Elmi Abu Bakar
Dr. Mohd Salman Abu Mansor
Mr. Muhammad Farid bin Shaari
Mr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Duration 2 Years (1 Sept2012 to 31 Aug 2014)
Sponsor Prototype Research Grant Scheme

Title Modeling of Twist Springback Pattern of Aluminum Alloy Strip with Non-uniform Section.
Research Leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah
Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin Zamad - USM
Duration 3 Years (1 December 2014 to 30 November 2017)
Sponsor Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS-MOE)