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List of Intellectual Properties (IP)

Copyright/Trademark/Industrial Design

  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohd Safie Bin Abdullah, Zahurin Bin Samad, Combined punching and driling for hole making on composite panel, LY2020003490, Apply - 01/09/2020.

           Brief Introduction

           This invention is about new process in making hole on composite panel. A hybrid technology was applied and based on findings time and cost can be cut tremendously.

           Potential Industries

           Aerospace and automotives manufacturing industries

  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohd Sharizal Bin Abdul Aziz, Muhamad Azman Bin Miskam, Normala Binti Abdul Wahid, Wan Mohd Amri Bin Wan Mamat Ali, Mobile Isolation Cubical, LY2020005667, Apply - 16/11/2020, Filing - 21/2021.

           Brief Introduction

           This invention is about new accomodation in controlling COVID-19 virus spread esspecially for frontliners.

           Potential Industries/Applications

           Hospital and Clinic


  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, METAL FORMING PROCESS TREE, LY2021P04567, 02/11/2021

           Brief Introduction

           This invention is to assist students in identifying metal forming processes.

           Potential Industries/Applications

           University students


  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Adha Fahmi Bin Pauzi, Zarirah Binti Karrim Wani, TABLETOP 3D WELDING MACHINE, LY2021P04566, 02/11/2021

           Brief Introduction

           The 3D welding machine is a low cost, high efficiency metal based additive manufacturing facility. It is suitable for university and school                   students as an introduction to the additive manufacturing technology

           Potential Industries/Applications

           Educational equipment supplier.


     5. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohammad Hafizi bin Bahshon, TOOL FOR LODGED PADDY RICE, LY2022P05225, 17/11/2021

           Brief Introduction

           The tool will help farmer to reduce their lost due lodged paddy.

           Potential Industries/Applications





  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohd Safie Bin Abdullah, Adha Fahmi Bin Pauzi, A HOLE MAKING MACHINE FOR COMPOSITE PANEL, Patent Filing (PI2022006936). Malaysia, 7/12/2022.

           Product Introduction

           This technology can be used to reduce the tooling cost and to increase the productivity in hole production on composite panel.

           Potential Industries/Application

           Aerospace and automotive sectors.