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Tooling Design - Misalignment Issue

In this article, I would like to share a few examples of the misalignment issue obrserved during the course. In the course, students are required to design, fabricate and test their tooling. As mention in the previous writing, pundher-die misaligment is one the major issues faced by the students during their trial. In our study, misalignment can be divided into four types ( and ( One of it is the axially unbalanced puncher or die. the For this project, it's difficult to ensure alignment without any accessories like guide pin or dowel. As a result, these images illustrated the consequences.

misalignment issue 1 page 0001

Case 1: 

misalignment issue 2 page 0001

Case 2

In both cases, upper section of the part cannot be blanked successfully due die/puncher severe worn.