Visit to AMTEx, UiTM Shah Alam
Metal Forming Research Lab. USM delegate leads by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah had paid a visit to Advanced Manufacturing Technology Excellence Centre (AMTEx), one of active research centre at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam. The visit was welcomed by Prof. Yupiter Manurung, Director of the centre and few post-graduate students. Prof. Yupiter briefed us about the centre, research focus and achievements of the centre. Then, we are brought for a lab tour to see latest research projects and facilities available at AMTEx. The center strength is on welding and forming simulation. The group has a very good networking with various organization and research center locally and internationally. Before leave, both parties have identified few projects for research collaboration in the future.
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