Promotional Video
Recently few videos had been produced for promotional purposes. The videos are already in the MFRL's YouTube Channel for approximately 2 months ago. The video are as follows
2. Simple Die
Recently few videos had been produced for promotional purposes. The videos are already in the MFRL's YouTube Channel for approximately 2 months ago. The video are as follows
2. Simple Die
The group would like to welcome new member to the Metal Forming Research Lab (MRFL). Muhammad Zulkhairi bin Rizlan will pursue his PhD study on the friction stir welding process optimization and the effect to the manufacturability of the tailor welded blanks between aluminum and steel.
The group would like to welcome new member to the Metal Forming Research Lab (MRFL). Muhammad Zulkhairi bin Rizlan will pursue his PhD study on the friction stir welding process optimization and the effect to the manufacturability of the tailor welded blanks between aluminum and steel.
Alhamdulillah, MFRL would like congratulate Adha Fahmi bin Pauzi who has successfully passed his Master viva defence held on the 18th June 2020. Due to Covid19 pandemic, the viva was conducted fully online using WebeX. The title of his thesis is “Experimental evaluation of aluminum alloy tailor welded blanks fabricated using friction stir welding (FSW) process”.