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We are Top in Springback Study

Based on the recent paper published in Jurnal Kejuruteraan by Zeki Cinar and the team (Zeki Cinar, Mohammed Asmael, Qasim Zeeshan & Babak Safaei, Effect of Springback on A6061 Sheet Metal Bending: A Review, Jurnal Kejuruteraan 33(1) 2021: 13-26), recognized USM as the leading institution on the study of springback in sheet metal specifically AA6061 and our members as the top researchers. This is based on SCOPUS database search. Congratulations to all. USM - WE LEAD

USM Top 1

USM Top 2

Congratulation Zulkhairi

He made it at the first attempt. Alhamdulillah....Congratulation. Hoping that it would motivate him to complete the study and the other members of MFRL. 


Zarirah at Rovisp 2021

One of our group member has presented her work on 3D welding machine design at Rovisp 2021 ( this morning. She is one of the researchers at the Metal Forming Research Lab who are actively working on wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). The virtual conference is organized by School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering USM.

 Zarirah Rovisp21

Active Projects at MFRL

Currently, MFRL Lab is very active in three main projects;

1. Development of hybrid machine. This project is under Prototyping Research Grant Scheme sponsored by Ministry of Higher Education. The grant for 2 years and aim to developed a prototype that can solve issues in hole making on composite panel such as incomplete shearing and delamination.

incomplete shearingdelamination


2. Wire arc additive manufacturing. This is new project running in the lab. Alfa version of a 3D semi-automatic MIG welding machine was developed and now under testing for their performance and reliability. The machine was fabricated using modular approach and this allow for parts reconfigurability. Few welding paramaters and deposition parameters are now being tested. In addition, manual 3D welding also performed as shown in the figure below.

WhatsApp Image 2021 02 07 at 22.15.01

3. Friction stir welding. We have 3 PhD students on this project. We are focusing on formability issues of the welded blanks from similar and dissimilar metal.



We are also seeking any collaborators for research from academia and industries. We are also find any possibility and opportunity in enhancement of our machines. Interested parties can contact me or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Virtual Conference - ICAPS 2021

It is a great honor to deliver a speech as invited speaker at ICAPS 2021. Thank you to the organizer that invite to give the speech on Pecision Hole Making on Composite - An Alternative. It is part of me and my team discoveries from few grants obtained i.e. USM (Research University Grant and Bridging Grant) and MOE (PRGS). Thank you to my students for their hardwork, which start back in 2014 involving final year projects (Chan, Nurul, Sofea, Syakir and Najalina) and Master (Safie). Alhamdulillah

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