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Training/Course/Webinar Conducted

Conducted or deliver training/course/webinar on the various topics related to metal forming process and tooling design. Recent events are as follow;

1. Webinar on Complete Guide of Jig and Fixture organized by Young Engineers Section, IEM Penang Branch. Date: 21st of July 2022. Attended by 21 engineers.

2. Training on Problem Solving in Metal Stamping Process at Knowles Electronics Prai organized by Indigo Elite Consultant. 25 July 2022. Attended by 19 technical staff.



additive manufacturing research usm webinar Join Series 1  additive manufacturing research usm webinar Register Series 2

                             SERIES 1                                                                      SERIES 2

 additive manufacturing research usm 14  additive manufacturing research usm

                              SERIES 3                                                                    SERIES 4                  




mfrl research seminar 2

Participation at RAMM 2022

One of our members, Muhammad Faris Akmal gained some experience during his participation at 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN MATERIALS, MINERALS & ENVIRONMENT (RAMM) 2022 organized by the School of Materials and Minerial Resources Engineering, USM. His paper entitle Wear Behaviour of Additive Manufactured Aluminium Alloy ER 5356 is part of his Master study at the MFRL. This project is  under SATU Joint Research Scheme granted in year 2021. The conference was successfully run online.



Lab Course at Metal Forming Lab

Metal forming lab is one of the laboratory being used for undergraduate course, mostly the lab course like EPL212 (Manufacturing Lab 1) and EPD342 (Design for Manufacture and Tooling, before know as Tooling Design). Now, two lab topics is currently running, i.e. Metal Blanking and Metal Forming. These two labs, focus on the post-forming defect like the former lab on formation of burr during blanking process and the later on springback pattern during v-bending process. Photos below shows some of the activities during the lab session. Note that, facilties use in both labs were custom-made and fabricated in-house. The hydraulic press machine for example was made of recycle part, with minor modification at minimum expenditure, it can be utilized for the benefit of students and research at the lab.

EPD212 Instagram Story Photo Collage 3

Visit by 3D Gens

Today (24th of May 2022), we received a visit from 3D Gens Sdn Bhd lead by Mr. Shahrul. The main agenda of the visit is on discussion for potential collaboration between MFRL and the company on metal additive manufacturing. The company is one of the key players to bring 3D printing technology to a realization in Malaysia.


Visit by 3D Gens

Today (24th of May 2022), we received a visit from 3D Gens Sdn Bhd lead by Mr. Shahrul. The main agenda of the visit is on discussion for potential collaboration between MFRL and the company on metal additive manufacturing. The company is one of the key players to bring 3D printing technology to a realization in Malaysia.
