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Latest Publications

We enter 2024 with a good start. Congratulations to the team for their hard work. Two papers have already been published, and two more papers have just been accepted and are at the publication stage. Hopefully, we can retain the momentum for the coming years and continuously contribute.

ARAM113 N1 P189 206 1 page 0001Effect of joint configurations on joint strength of different thickness AA6061 T6 friction stir welded blank 2 page 0001


Double Awards at SAEMIIE 2023

Alhamdulillah and congratulation to the team who double awards at the SAEMIIE 2023 organized by SAE International Malaysia at UTM Jalan Semarak, KL on 20th of December 2023. One of our aims in participating the exhibition is to seek for collaborator from industry who can bring the product forward i.e. commercialization. We are keep upgrading the technology to the latest requirement and demands by various stakeholders.



Invited to Republika Merah at Selangor Book Fair 2023

In conjunction with book launching, I have been invited by UMPSA Press (before known as UMP Press) to give review about the book. The book is about 5 engineers muslim who are really give impact to their community. Me and Prof Ahmad Razlan authored the book and alhamdulillah publish this year. The book can be purchased from various platfrom like Shoppee. It is a new experience to me. Thanks God, everthing gone smoothly and it had been delivered successfully. Hope that the book can be utilized and motivate as many people as possible. 

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AM Facilities Benchmarking Visit to UTeM

Universiti Teknikal Melaka Malaysia (UTeM) is one of the public technical universities in Malaysia and well know as the most equipped with additive manufacturing facilities. Therefore, on the 4th of December 2023. I have paid a visit to their facilties, facilitate by Head of 3D Printing and Innovation Laboratory and Manager of one of the CoE at UTeM, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohd Rizal Alkahari. I am very impressed with the team and progress made in heading the country on addtive manufacturing research. As a new comer in this area, we at MFRL is hoping that one day, we can be like them.

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Projek Komuniti: Masalah Padi Rebah - Perjumpaan dengan Pesawah

Alhamdulillah pada 16 Oktober 2023 diberikan kesempatan untuk berjumpa dari hati ke hati dengan pesawah berkenaan dengan alat mekanikal mengatasi masalah padi rebah yang kian meruncing kebelakangan ini. Alat mekanikal telah dihasilkan dan berjaya mendapat hadiah pingat emas dalam pertandingan Airex pada tahun 2022 (link). Selepas beberapa kali penangguhan, 7 orang wakil pesawah hadir untuk memberi maklum-balas terhadap alat ini. Ujian lapangan sebelum ini oleh pelajar dan prototaip yang terhasil secara umumnya dilihat berpotensi untuk digunakan. Hasil kajian ini telah dibentangkan dalam persidangan antarabangsa 12th Kuala Lumpur International Agriculture, Forestry & Plantation 2023 (link). Dalam perjumpaan ini, beberapa cadangan baru telah diberikan oleh pesawah. Oleh kerana musim menuai dianggarkan pada bulan Januari atau Februari 2024, masa yang ada akan digunakan untuk membuat penambah-baikan kepada reka bentuk sedia ada. Peluang mendapatkan geran penyelidikan seperti MySI juga antara perancangan masa depan. Semoga hasil inovasi ini dapat dimanafaatkan oleh pesawah.
