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Talk on Additive Manufacturing

A series of talk on Additive Manufacturing was organized by Department of Automotive Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology headed by Prof. R. Rajendran under Faculty Development Programme from 6-12 October 2021. One of the slots was given by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin bin Abdullah. He virtually gave a talk on Metal Additive Manufacturing: Current Status and Future Demands. The talk is about 2 hours and attended by many faculty members and industry players.

my talk

There are also few more speakers from Malaysia including UTeM, UTM KL, Miros and UTHM. Congratulation to the organizer for the fruitfull and informative event. Full event schedule is as attached. Schedule

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-64

selamat menyambut

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-64

selamat menyambut

Participation at ICMAT 2021

Muhammad Ajwad has made his first exposure on research presentation at ICMAT 2021 yesterday (24/8/2021). The research is on wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) of aluminum alloy and effect of cold forging to material properties. The presented article contain part of his Master study. 

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ICMAT 2021 which is hosted by Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET) run virtually due to MCO.

Welcome to Intern Students

Metal Forming Lab would like to welcome two internship students. Both are degree student and will spent 10 weeks at the lab. First student is Nuriffah Husna binti Mohamad Marzuki from Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). She already in her 5th week and working from home due to lockdown. She involve in the design mini surface grinding machine and will use solidwork for her project. The second student is Muhammad Syazwan bin Abdul Khalid. He is USM's final year student. His project is on CNC programming on hybrid machine. Welcome to both of the students. We hope that you can gain as much experience and knowledge as possible during the internship. This year we have 4 students, 1 already ends, another 1 about to end soon (currently is working from home due to lockdown). Both are at certificate and diploma level. Nurul Syifa Romle from Polytechnic Sultanah Bahiyah and Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad from Vocational College Nibong Tebal. Note that Muhammad Syazwan is the 7th students who are having their internship at MRFL.
