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Participation at IMEET 2021

One of our members, Mr Muhammad Zulkhairi Rizlan (PhD student) has presented part of his work at International Conference on Mechanical, Electric/Electronic Engineering and Technology organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, USM on 6th of July 2021. His paper title "Microstructure observation and hardness study of friction stir welded blank of Aluminum to steel". The conference held virtually due to MCO.

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List of Intellectual Properties (IP)

Copyright/Trademark/Industrial Design

  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohd Safie Bin Abdullah, Zahurin Bin Samad, Combined punching and driling for hole making on composite panel, LY2020003490, Apply - 01/09/2020.

           Brief Introduction

           This invention is about new process in making hole on composite panel. A hybrid technology was applied and based on findings time and cost can be cut tremendously.

           Potential Industries

           Aerospace and automotives manufacturing industries

  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohd Sharizal Bin Abdul Aziz, Muhamad Azman Bin Miskam, Normala Binti Abdul Wahid, Wan Mohd Amri Bin Wan Mamat Ali, Mobile Isolation Cubical, LY2020005667, Apply - 16/11/2020, Filing - 21/2021.

           Brief Introduction

           This invention is about new accomodation in controlling COVID-19 virus spread esspecially for frontliners.

           Potential Industries/Applications

           Hospital and Clinic


  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, METAL FORMING PROCESS TREE, LY2021P04567, 02/11/2021

           Brief Introduction

           This invention is to assist students in identifying metal forming processes.

           Potential Industries/Applications

           University students


  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Adha Fahmi Bin Pauzi, Zarirah Binti Karrim Wani, TABLETOP 3D WELDING MACHINE, LY2021P04566, 02/11/2021

           Brief Introduction

           The 3D welding machine is a low cost, high efficiency metal based additive manufacturing facility. It is suitable for university and school                   students as an introduction to the additive manufacturing technology

           Potential Industries/Applications

           Educational equipment supplier.


     5. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohammad Hafizi bin Bahshon, TOOL FOR LODGED PADDY RICE, LY2022P05225, 17/11/2021

           Brief Introduction

           The tool will help farmer to reduce their lost due lodged paddy.

           Potential Industries/Applications





  1. Ahmad Baharuddin Bin Abdullah, Mohd Safie Bin Abdullah, Adha Fahmi Bin Pauzi, A HOLE MAKING MACHINE FOR COMPOSITE PANEL, Patent Filing (PI2022006936). Malaysia, 7/12/2022.

           Product Introduction

           This technology can be used to reduce the tooling cost and to increase the productivity in hole production on composite panel.

           Potential Industries/Application

           Aerospace and automotive sectors.


The Bulletin MFRL focuses on publication relates to design and development of product/part/machine/tool that may gives impact to B-40, either to assisst them in daily life or increase their income. Quality article to be considered for the bulletin may comes from the following coverage, but not limited to;

1. Analysis of conceptual design

2. Testing of the prototype

3. Real enviroment evaluation

4. Costing 

Guide to Author

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word 97-2003 (*.doc) or higher document file format. This will be used as the main submission file. Up to 2000 words only.
  • The article will go thru the editorial review process only.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 6-point font (Calibri); employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points with number and appropriate caption,
  • Reference in brief that contain authors name, journal, year, volume and page number only. Examples are as below;
  • Nandana, W. and de Mel, W. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 2016;11(1):13-23.
  • Access date: 15th of April 2020
  • Wasserman, S. 2013. Access date: 2nd of April 2020.
  • Access date 15th of April 2020.


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Bulletin MFRL commits to ensuring ethics in its publishing. Submission of paper to Bulletin MFRL implies that the Author(s) declare that the work is original, is not plagiarised, and is not previously published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

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Copyright of articles that appear in Bulletin MFRL belongs exclusively to Metal Forming Lab as the publisher. This copyright covers the rights to reproduce the article, including reprints, electronic reproductions, or any other reproductions of similar nature.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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Thank you Adha

 IMG20210430164320Today (30th of April 2021) is the last for Adha as Research Officer at Metal Forming Lab. After about a year, his contract ends today and we wish him good luck for his new journey. His contributions is countless and many delayed projects (that involve fabrication) completed by him. He also assist many postgraduate and undergraduate students in their fabrication works.